You may receive a current roster of C/3/22 Association members by requesting one from any of the men listed on the "C/3/22 Officers" Headquarters page of this web site.
We ask that you respect the privacy rights of our members and use the roster for which it is intended; that is, to locate and contact friends who may have served with you in Vietnam.
In order to receive a roster, you must be a paid up dues member of C/3/22 Association. Our dues are $20.00 per year. When you request a roster, we will verify your status with C/3/22 Association and your eligibility to receive the list.
The roster will be sent to you via the US mail, or you may download it onto your computer as an email attachment.
To get your roster, send an email request to any of the addresses listed below. Tell us who you are and why you have a need for the roster.
Tell us what format you wish to use to receive the roster. (US Mail, or Email.)
Note: The privacy rights of our members is important to us.
We cannot send a roster without first identifying you and ascertaining your need. Thank you for understanding.